by heartit | Apr 11, 2018 | Master Planning, Planning, Regeneration
The Bishopton Community Growth Area in the west of Scotland has been given a further boost. Renfrewshire Council has provided its support to change land designated for industry to housing. The size of the development will now be around 4,000 houses. The Bishopton...
by heartit | Mar 16, 2018 | Planning, Regeneration
Following a protracted legal melee, amendments to the National Planning Practice Guidance on planning obligations in May 2016 introduced changes to the way that affordable housing contributions can be sought from development. The changes include the introduction of...
by heartit | Feb 2, 2018 | Awards, Master Planning, News, Regeneration
Bolton Council have received £12m for remediation at Rivington Chase, the former Horwich Loco Works site. Chancellor Philip Hammond and Communities Secretary Sajid Javid have confirmed the first round of allocations from the £5bn Housing Infrastructure Fund. Bolton...
by heartit | Jan 23, 2018 | Master Planning, News, Planning, Regeneration, Residential and Care
One of the largest brownfield regeneration projects in the UK is given a boost through the approval of a further 350 houses. The transformation of the former Royal Ordnance factory at Bishopton in Renfrewshire into a new community is being shaped by an overarching...
by heartit | Aug 4, 2017 | development, housing assoications, Landscape Architecture, Master Planning, News, Planning, Regeneration
Cass Associates have submitted two applications for Planning Permission in Principle, on behalf of BAE Systems, for the delivery of a further 1,350 dwellings in Dargavel Village, Renfrewshire. The development is located on the former Royal Ordnance Factory Bishopton,...
by heartit | Feb 23, 2016 | development, Landscape Architecture, Planning, regeneration, Regeneration, Residential and Care
Two housing developments underway in Lancaster Cass Associates provided successful planning consultancy advice and guidance on two housing developments in Lancaster. One sites was a joint venture between Redrow Homes and Barratt Homes and the other site was completed...
by heartit | Jan 29, 2014 | development, Master Planning, News, Regeneration
A planning application has been submitted for a significant mixed-use scheme including 1,700 homes on the site of the former Horwich Loco Works near Bolton. Cass Associates has been working on a Masterplan for the 189-acre regeneration project that will see the...
by heartit | Jan 19, 2014 | News, Planning, Regeneration
Cass Associates has been appointed by Bellway Homes to lead a consultancy team in preparation for a planning application for the next stages of a major housing regeneration programme in Bootle, Merseyside. The project involves the demolition of over 470 properties in...